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During Individual Therapy we will collaborate to facilitate change and improve quality of life. This journey will allow you to develop new perspectives and life skills so that you can free yourself from habitual patterns of anxiety, depression, and self criticism.
During Group Therapy 6 - 8 people meet face to face with a trained facilitator. Members listen to each other and openly provide each other feedback. These interactions give members an opportunity to increase understanding, try out new ways of being with others and learn more about the ways they interact. The content of the session is confidential; members agree not to identify other members or their concerns outside of the group.
In Couples Therapy sometimes the problems are so significant, or have been left unattended for so long, that the relationship is already in severe crisis. At other times, the couple becomes aware at an earlier stage and they are not able to resolve their problems on their own. We want to provide you support where ever you are in your relationship. Through this journey the couple will work towards improving communication, revitalizing your emotional connections and re-negotiating your commitments.
During Family Therapy parents, siblings, and extended family members are brought into the treatment process. The family plays an important role in our emotional, physical and spiritual development since each individual in the family system impacts and is impacted by the others. Family Therapy can often optimize your journey to a healthy life balance.
During our workshops you will be provided with education on the featured topic. The workshop will introduce participants to practical skills, techniques, and ideas. Parenting and stress management are a some of the featured workshops. Support groups for children and teenagers are also provided.
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